With the effects of sunlight, gravity and aging which are changing over the time, our energetic and healthy skin turns into an old, tired and wrinkled appearance. Facelift surgeries help you to get back what you have lost over time. However, it does not stop aging and does not reverse the time. The goal is to give you a younger and healthier appearance. It can help you to increase your inner confidence, feel younger and feel more excited about life. Increased average human life and welfare level in developed countries caused facial lift surgeries to be one of the most preferred and applied aesthetic facial surgeries. If you are wondering how the facelift surgery will change your appearance, or what you should expect from this surgery, you need to know how this surgery is performed. Skin type, ethnicity, the degree of skin tightness, tissue recovery rate of the person, and basic bone structure affect the operation at varying degrees and each of these issues should be discussed in detail before the surgery.
General procedure
Deep tissues of the face and neck and the skin get sagged, wrinkles and lines occur and get deeper over time by aging. Fat tissues on cheeks sag downwards, the line between the face and neck becomes indistinct and sharp borders of the chin disappear. Due to the fullness under the chin area, almost double-chin occurs. Although the person feels typically young and energetic, his/her face and neck area may create a tired and sometimes sad appearance. Facelift operation is among the effective procedures in age-related facial changes, especially if there are some changes in the neck. The surgical technique has changed dramatically over the last two decades. Previously used skin stretching techniques were used to create an unnatural appearance which is noticed to have undergone an operation. Nowadays, techniques with undesirable consequences have left their place to modern facelift techniques with long lasting and predictable results, providing a natural rejuvenation without any excessive stretching on the facial skin. Various rejuvenation techniques are used to correct different areas of the face. The patient's personal wishes and expectations, as well as the anatomical features of the face and neck, are also important. Other common methods including lower and upper eyelid lifting, forehead, and eyebrow lift operations which are applied together with facelift operation may help to gain more effective results. Fat absorption from the neck is usually included in this operation, so the unbalanced appearance between the tightened face and less intervened neck is recovered. Skin incisions are placed around the ear contours and hidden in the scalp.
Pre-operative evaluation
Pre-operative and post-operative recommendations may vary according to the surgeon. These recommendations are not dogmatic and do not imply that other options are less effective. Your interviews with your surgeon before the operation will be long and detailed enough to convey all your expectations, concerns and questions. Your surgeon will share the most appropriate and most effective methods for you, the extent to which these methods can meet your expectations, and the short and long-term results and possible risks. A separate evaluation between the anaesthesiologist and the patient should be made for nausea and pain that may develop according to the anaesthesia type. Photos are taken before the operation for a reference during the operation process.
Facelift surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia. However, deep sedation anaesthesia can be preferred as anaesthesia for some patients if desired. If the excess fat tissues in the neck area to be removed, a 5-10 mm incision is made under the chin for the entry of the liposuction cannula. Fat fullness of the neck is reduced with proper and balanced liposuction. Skin incisions, used in facelift surgery, are hidden around ear contours and behind the hair. Thanks to these incisions, no hair loss is seen and also the hair can be used in the desired style. In facelift operations in men, incision places can be changed in order to protect the place of sideburns. To create a younger face, subcutaneous structures are reconstructed and fixed to their young positions. Afterwards, the facial skin is carefully laid on the reshaped soft tissue, the hairline is aligned, and the excess skin is removed. Skin incisions which are closed by using fine suture materials are usually recovered without leaving any scar. After the operation, face bandage is made without too much compression. The patient can be discharged from the hospital on the same day or the next day after the operation.
Post-op recommendations
Drain is removed on the next day after the surgery, the loose dressing is changed with an elastic bandage, and the patient is requested to use this for a few days. Incisions should be kept moist with ointment for 10 days. Antibiotic therapy should be completed to 5 days. It is recommended to contact your doctor immediately if there is an abnormal redness, pus, and pain. Stitches are usually removed in 4-7 days. The patient should avoid excess movements for about two weeks and avoid sunlight for six months. Patients can have makeup after two weeks and return to work. Regular follow-up is continued until the patient is fully recovered. Early postoperative care is completed with the three-month and 1-year postoperative control.